
Archive for June, 2010

If mass media is a window to the world, then social media is this and more – with the added function of providing for the world a window to ourselves.  Yet so often there is little truth in the way we cultivate our own public image. Perhaps Facebook is pandering to our lust for fame as we fantasize about the idea that like a celebrity – someone is watching us, or at least the person we want them to see.

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Identity is much more complex than it seems.  It describes a person in more ways than one.  It can be someones sex, religious views, moral beliefs, and cultural practices.  In my case, I am a male, young adult, athlete, musician, entrepeneur, rapper, and a dancer.  Being all of these things puts me into a group of people who share the same traits.  “In effect they identify by placing individuals into groups who share the trait.”  I disagree with the following statement: “it means that identity is won at the price of reducing individuality.”  During argues that being put into groups (as previously mentioned) reduces individuality, which I think is absurd.  If anything, identity increases individuality.  “Without identity, there is no such thing as a socially situated individual.”  During goes on to say this, which pretty much contradicts what During previously said.

Here is a very comical (unintentionally so) youtube clip of perhaps the most intriguing, unique human being I have ever seen.  He has an identity like no other.  Cheers!

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